Sunday, September 19, 2010

Why You Should See Daybreakers

By Floyd Middleton

You would have likely guessed that for one reason or another, vampire films and television programs have been getting a huge push. People are eating this up, and the people behind this media are all to eager to deliver it. However, when a movie comes out that takes a standpoint unseen before, it transcends the vampire hype and is just a good movie to see. That was the case with "Daybreakers".

The interesting thing about this particular film, is that it was able to not only stay true to mythology surrounding vampires, but how very unique the story is to watch even with it being true to form with mythology. By reading through this particular piece, you will get a good look at why this film is different and several paragraphs to give you key plot points.

Apart from just having a good plot synopsis, you really should appreciate what makes this film so unique to the genre. For starters, this is taken from a perspective of the fact that nearly everyone in the world is a vampire. So much in fact, that the humans that are remaining are slowly becoming extinct and hard to come by. This will fuel a lot of the decisions made in the film.

You should understand that this particular plot synopsis might contain spoilers that could ruin the film for those that have not seen it. This won't be the most detailed of plot rundowns that you are likely to find, but there's enough to tell someone too much if they didn't want to know. The film opens on the world that is overrun with vampires, and there are only a small percentage of humans left.

Edward Dalton is one of the head minds behind the blood creating project, and is also very unhappy with being a vampire. He does not drink human blood, and he never wanted to be a vampire in the first place. However, if he cannot come up with a solution to the current blood conundrum, he along with millions of other vampires will die horribly gruesome deaths relative to starvation.

Dalton runs into some humans and he decides to help them stay alive. He is given some valuable information from Willem DaFoe's character, Elvis. He is a human that is leading the group and he was at one point a vampire. Through a freak accident, he was able to learn the secret to becoming human again.

Having been inspired by this possibility, Edward takes it upon himself with the help of Cormac to return to being human again himself. Through exposure to the sunlight, long enough to almost cause death, the heart is shocked back into functionality.

Before he is able to do this, you learn that this blood in the new human is different. It has the power to change the vampire drinking it human as well. So Dalton has a showdown with his boss, Charles Bromley to tell him about his new cure. In anger, Bromley bites him and is turned back into a vampire. This series of events would likely be the salvation of mankind. That is "Daybreakers" in a nutshell, and you should check it out if you are into vampire flicks at all. - 40726

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