Saturday, September 18, 2010

Celine The Movie Reviewed

By Rosalind Owen

The fans of the Canadian born performer, Celine The Movie, will be a wonderful experience. The singer from Quebec has positioned herself as one of most well known performers in the world. She is so marketable that an arena was built for her specifically in Las Vegas where she performed for three years straight.

She was born in Quebec, Canada in 1968, where she grew up in a small town wanting to be a singer. At the age of 12 she was grabbing the attention of record company executives who listened to the numerous recordings she would mail to them. One record executive believed in her so much that he mortgaged his house to finance her first album. It has been a world wind tour of fame for the singer ever since.

The movie is about this famous performer living a normal life; well, normal for a famous singer on a world wide tour. She wants the world to know that above everything, she is a normal, down to earth person. The film follows the world famous singer as she performs in five continents and twenty five countries.

The film presents some of the live performances but it spends more time showing her living life as a famous performer. Many people think that her life is all about being on the stage and performing. Of course this is what has made the singer famous.

Her life is one of constant travel always being away from home. For her, the hotel is her home. This is not always an easy life. The reports are that the singer earns more than forty five million dollars a year. Most people would like to make this much money each year. But Celine does not sit around the house making this money.

She is constantly surrounded by adoring fans who reach out to her every time the singer goes out in public. She has to keep her voice strong in order to put out the songs that have made her a household name. She has to handle the stress from the physical and emotional strain that comes with each performance she does.

She has decided to make herself available to the world. She has no private life. But as the film shows, she has handled her position on the world stage well. She knows that her fans want more and more of her, and this movie is one way she has tried to give to the world, more of herself.

Her fans will not be disappointed by this film. They will get a chance to see how their favorite singing star lives life on the road. Also, the film gives fans a chance to get to know her husband who is also her manager. Also, her son, who accompanies her mother throughout the tour, is part of the movie.

For the true fans of the Canadian performer, they will think the film is not long enough. They want more of Celine. For those who are not in the fan camp of the singer from Quebec, they might find the movie a little too long. But for the fan, there can not be too much of Celine. - 40726

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