Thursday, September 23, 2010

Cheech And Chong's Reunion Hey Watch This Reviewed

By Young Butler

lots of people all over the world smoked themselves in to oblivion watching Cheech and Chong movies when they were young. They were and still are cult movies that appeal to anyone with liberal views when it comes to drugs. Pot heads everywhere have waited for decades for Tommy Chong and Cheech Marin to work together again and now they have finally satisfied the fans. Hey Watch This is bound to appeal to new and old fans and lets hope the reaction inspires them to make another movie.

They have lost none of their comedy genius end that is evident from the first five minutes of the film. So it makes you wonder why they ever stopped when they had so much to offer. Well Tommy Chong answered that question on stage when he said "The truth is we broke up because we got rich". The next line can't be quoted but suffice to say it will have you rolling with laughter.

Tommy's wife is a bit of a revelation as someone with good stage presence. Although we saw her in their older films she was not part of the title and so had less plaudits than she perhaps deserved. You will find that she could well have had her own successful career had she pursued it more.

It's not hard to realise where she may have learned the trade as Tommy is hilarious in front of the crowd. There are some parts of his act if it is an act that will have you rolling with laughter. It's hard not to divulge some of the funnier moments but you will without doubt find it funny in the extreme.

Without going in to detail, Tommy's tales of when he was but in jail for selling bong pipes are definitely not to be missed. He certainly has some interesting views on the legal system and the way in which judges operate. His take on the book of creation from the bible is refreshingly original and can only be put down to years of drug use.

Cheech we all know a little better these days as he has had much success working in many Hollywood blockbusters over the years. He is a very funny man on stage and just like Tommy, he has his own brand of comedy style. In this performance he plays through some of his old routines to huge applause and demonstrations of appreciation from the audience.

It's never as entertaining though as when they are both on stage together. It's a travesty that these two have not worked side by side for so long. Fans that see this will surely want to see them repeat the performance in more venues than just San Antonio where this was filmed.

There is no doubt that they are both gifted comedians that have a connection with their fans. They are not going to be everyone's cup of tea because of their pro-drug views. But at the same time that's why they are so popular too. They have a unique appeal and can be considered the grandparents of controversial comedy. Hey Watch This may not be full of new stuff but it is timeless in it's genre and it's got to be worth watching. - 40726

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