Monday, September 13, 2010

Vocal Health: Best Tips

By Razile Dalap

Would you like to learn how to take good care of your vocal health? For a singer, your voice is your instrument and you must deal with it gently. There are some causes of vocal problems and luckily most of them are reversible.

How can you know if your voice is unhealthy? Let's look at several of the common symptoms of an unhealthy voice:

*a hoarse and raspy voice

*the inability to sing high notes ( a loss of this ability)

*a deeper sounding voice

*a raw and itchy throat, a strained throat

*problem talking

*the need to continuously clear your throat

Many singers will experience one or a combination of these symptoms during their career. Some of these signs are easy to prevent.

*Stay away from alcohol and caffeine. These types of drinks are diuretics and will make your body lose water. When you lose water your voice dries out.

*Drink a minimum of eight glasses of water per day to keep hydrated.

*Do not smoke cigarette. It is also important to stay away from second hand smoke.

*Include excellent breathing techniques as a part of your singing. You should use your diaphragm to help your vocal chords.

*Humidifiers add moisture to the air in your home. This is a great choice for all singers, particularly singers in dry climates and in the winter months.

*Keep the mucous membranes of the throat healthy by eating whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Vitamins A, E, and C are remarkable for all round health.

*Do not use mouthwash containing alcohol. Also avoid mouthwash with other allergens.

*Make certain to get plenty of rest. Talking in noisy rooms and venues pressure the vocal chords.

*Posture - Sing only when you have good posture. This means standing with good posture or sitting with good posture. Posture should be upright with both feet on the ground. - 40726

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