Thursday, September 30, 2010

Dexter Season 5, Episode 1: "My Bad" Recap (Part 2)

By Sarrah Hanna

Dexter clearly feels some level of guilt at what has happened, knowing that it is his fault for not killing Arthur sooner. However it does not present in the normal way that grief would in most people, leaving him rather adrift. Even the visions of his adopted father and mentor Harry, which normally serve as the closest thing he has to a conscience, seem to have abandoned him. Flashbacks to Dexter's very first date with Rita also show the depth of Dexter's guilt as he remembers the lies he told her right from the very beginning.

When Rita's children, Astor and Cody, return from Disneyland with their grandparents Dexter is forced to break the news to them. Dexter fumbles through it clumsily, even going so far as to resort to the "I'm sorry for your loss" line that the funeral home director had used on him. While most of the family dissolves into grief Astor turns to anger at Dexter.

She blames him for not being there to protect her mother and wishes that it had been him who had died. Dexter takes the notion that they would all be better off without him to heart and begins planning to disappear for good.

Meanwhile Debra goes to Dexter's house to clean up the crime scene, and Quinn comes along to help. Following the clean up Debra breaks down and quickly finds herself in the arms of Quinn and things get very physical very fast from there.

Debra seems to immediately regret it, and practically flees the house. This gives Quinn an excuse to talk to the neighbor who had been crying at the sight of Rita being carried out dead on a stretcher. The neighbor confides in Quinn about the kiss and also says that Dexter punched him over it. Quinn tries to relay this to Laguerta, who responds only with anger, not wanting to deal with this case at all.

Finally Dexter packs his boat with only the essentials, burns his storage container that had served as his killing office, and heads out. In doing so he misses his "interview" with the FBI and friends and family are left standing at Rita's funeral wondering if he will show up. When Dexter stops to fuel up his boat he encounters an aggressive and rather heartless man at the seemingly abandoned fueling station. Dexter follows him into the bathroom and in a fit of rage beats him to death with an anchor. Harry appears to Dexter once again saying that this was "the most human thing" that Dexter has done since Rita dies. - 40726

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