Monday, August 16, 2010

Why You Must See Leap Year

By Sadie Faulkner

Do you love romance movies? Do you ever feel like they are always so predictable but go see them anyway? Now you will be left on the edge of your seat as well as enjoy a gushy romance comedy all at the same time. Leap Year is by far a must-see film this year.

The movie starts off with a young woman sadly disappointed in her boyfriends lack of commitment. He seems like a genuinely good person and does no harm by her. However, something seems to be missing in their relationship. That little spark that gives any relationship that special magic seems to be missing.

Nevertheless this young woman gives the relationship the benefit of the doubt and for now pretends she is completely satisfied. However, fake happiness will only go so far and last so long. Yet, for now she is in denial about this so-called fake happiness. In her state of denial she ventures off to Ireland where her potential fiance is currently on business. The woman is eagerly dying to propose to him as it is tradition on a leap year that a woman is allowed to perform this duty.

So, off she goes in an attempt to solve all of her problems. However, what she does not realize just yet is that all of her problems are just about to begin. Once she finally arrives in Ireland she is consistently faced with problem after problem. Luckily the young lady meets a nice young man who is able and willing to take her on the long journey ahead.

This is simply the result of spending a significant amount of time with another kind person when you have truly hit a low point and feel completely helpless. However, he was not there to push her back down while she was out but simply to hold her hand and help her along the way. This is an extremely kind gesture when this woman is on this long journey for another man.

He turns out to be a very good man to her and they have both appeared to have gained a quality friendship along their journey together. One thing that you will most definitely take away from this film is to reevaluate the priorities in your life. It is easy to become consumed with the material items in our lives and to forget the things that matter most. Having someone to love and being loved in return is all that really matters in the end. Anything else that we are fortunate enough to obtain is simply extra.

This film will draw you in from beginning to end. You will want to watch it over again so that you truly get the full meaning. After having done so you will see the rapid, positive results it will have on your life.

If you were to simply pick this movie up off of the shelf you would never realize the amazing qualities that it possesses inside. This movie will force you to realize it is the little things in life that will make us happy. Money does not buy happiness despite our long endeavors to obtain as much of it as we possibly can. The entire cast and the musical selections create a quality combination that leave a touching impression. - 40726

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