Saturday, August 28, 2010

Making Documentary Is Not That Hard

By Janine Balfour

A documentary is a film or video that is made to enlighten people about any particular issue or theme. Making documentary is little different from conventional film making and you need a different approach for making the documentaries; but the most important thing your personal view and ability to produce creative work.

The first thing you need to do is some research on the theme. If you have a broader view, you better narrow it down and make it as specific as possible. This will make the documentary more meaningful. Get all the information you find from the internet and related books. Asking the people who know about the subject or are interested in it can be a great source. You better shooting the interviews and use them in your film for making them more realistic.

Putting in order all the parts of your work is important for the consistency. At this point, you should already have in mind the presentation about how you are going to introduce people with your subject, the narration and background music plays very crucial role in documentary and you need to select them according to the topic and surrounding environment.

Keep your wish list and screenplay near hand to check on what you have already done. As money is a big problem, you need to see what you can get for free and how much you can pay for the goods and equipments you will need to buy. Do not hesitate to borrow things from everyone you know if they have anything to offer.

Before you release your documentary before the critics and general viewers, pick some of your friends and family members to watch it and ask for their true opinion. From their reaction, you will get to know your primary success. If they can give you any better idea, you can go back to editing and make appropriate changes. - 40726

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