Thursday, August 12, 2010

Extraordinary Measures For Extraordinary Circumstances

By Mari Schultz

Harrison Ford stars in the movie, Extraordinary Measures. The movie is adapted from the real life story of a couple who sacrificed everything they had to find an answer to their illness which is killing their children. The parents take the unusual action of helping to finance research into treating or better still finding a cure for the genetic disease. Is this an extreme action? How many parents would take radical steps to protect the health and happiness of their children?

The answer to this is yes of course most parents would sacrifice all for the health and well being of their family. Most parents however are not as financially equipped nor do they possess the knowledge and skills the proactive parents of the movie enjoy.

Extraordinary Measures was released at cinemas during the Month President Obama was sworn into office. The film is a representation of the new mood of optimism sweeping the country. The movie highlights in a positive way how individuals can stand up and be counted despite the odds stacked against them. It is a movie that is indeed heart warming in its portrayal of unconditional honest love of parents for their children.

One of the many themes of the movie is exploring the issues parents of children with disabilities face on a daily basis. The expectation of good quality and available health care that helps to make life more bearable for the children concerned is one such issue. So too is the issue of overcoming apparently insurmountable obstacles.

Those already aware of the current health insurance debate in America will have noticed the sub text within the movie brings this issue to the fore. It highlights concerns most American have around health insurance and is a nod of the head in the direction of the new President who hopes to make changes to the current, failing health care system.

Fighting on in the face of incredible odds is not a preserve of American society. Hope springs eternal in the breast of most people the world over. Societies struggle to continue to exist, people battle for survival. The world over people face and come through the most terrible odds and continue to inspire those around them.

There are numerous examples of people living full and happy lives in spite of their circumstances. Ordinary people everywhere have stories which defy the odds. That they manage to rise above their situations to consider the feelings and needs of others is testimony to their tenacity.

Extraordinary Measures are taken by parents the world over in an effort to progress their children's health and well being. People have the ability to retain hope even when is seems as though all hope is lost. This human need to hope for the best is what drives human beings to carry on. Engaging in meaningful relationships with others is a basic human requirement. For how long America keeps this feeling of optimism can only be guessed. It is hoped that it lasts long enough for much needed changes to take effect and impact positively upon American culture and society. - 40726

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