Thursday, August 26, 2010

Best Guides For Singers Experiencing Pitching Problems

By Razile Flagg

All singers sing off pitch sometimes, but some singers continually battle to sing the right notes. They do not have the capacity to sing 'by ear', and they can't seem to get the hang of fitting their voice to a particular pitch.

Many singers who have pitch difficulties blame tone deafness, but this is actually very rare. If you have pitch troubles, they are probably the effect of one of these common issues:

Instrument Problems

If you sing with a band or play your own musical instrument while singing, improper tuning can eliminate your pitch. You might think you're singing the right note, but you're measuring your pitch on incorrect tuning. Use a tuning device or hit a note on a piano to be sure your instrument is accurate.

Volume is another issue that can interfere with your capacity to stay on pitch. If the guitar and piano are too quiet, or if the bass or electric instruments are too loud, you might have trouble hitting the right notes.

Typically vocalist cannot hear themselves during live performances. This can be disorienting and can cause pitch problems. If you suspect this is the reason for your off-pitch singing, use particular in-ear monitors when you sing live.

Note Recognition

A few people can determine notes merely by hearing them once. These folks are naturals, and are not the norm. Most of us need to hear the notes several times before we can fit their pitch.

Start by playing a scale on a piano or guitar. Actually listen to the notes and how they vibrate. Play through the scale several times, and then play through while fitting your voice to the notes.

It's simple to let your mind wander when you do this type of exercise, but attempt to stay focused on the notes. Think of how your throat feels when you strike each note. With good enough practice, you'll be able to keep on pitch even when you can't hear yourself singing.

Physical Obstacles

Vocal chord tension and chronic health difficulties can make it difficult to sing on pitch. To cure this, you'll need to address and treat the root cause of the trouble.

Sinus infections, colds, and allergies can leave you with a stuffy head that makes it difficult to discern pitches, far less sing on pitch. If you're suffering from a health issue, give yourself and your vocal chords time to rest and recover.

Tension can also retain you from staying on pitch. Loosen up your vocal chords by warming up thoroughly before you sing. Do exercises to loosen up your other muscle groups at the same time. Stand up tall when you sing to give your lungs room to expand.

Pitch Problem Solutions

Once you've discovered the cause of your pitch problem, you can take steps to fix it. If it's just a few instrument tuning and volume, it should be a quick fix. Obtain a tuning device to help you get your instruments on the correct pitch, or adjust the volume as needed.

Record your voice when you sing along with different notes played on a accurately tuned guitar or piano. Play back the recording to determine which notes need more work. After seven days or so, you will hear a significant difference in how well your voice matches the notes. - 40726

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